
Moro Group “Careful selection and long-term cooperation”

Could you introduce us your company, history, and how you arrived to import wine in Russia ?

Moro group was created 25 years ago by the people who were born and grown in the wine environment. So our path in the wine business was predetermined. During this time, we have managed to become one of the leaders in the sphere of wine import and distribution in Russia, increasing the supply volume to 20 million liters per year. But first of all, we have studied perfectly  the needs of our customers - both in the b2b segment and the final consumers. We know how the market is developing and the tastes of wine lovers, and we are always ready to offer a suitable range. But the wine for us is not just  alcohol drink to accompany a dinner or a party. The wine for us is the history, the emotions and the people who are behind of the wine production. So we work only with the producers who's mentality and philosophy is closed to ours.  That's why there are no random wines in our portfolio, even the wines in the entry level – it is always careful selection and long-term cooperation with the suppliers who in the most cases become members of our big wine «family».


How you divide your client porfolio and sales channels ?

We have our exclusive distributors in 78 regions, we work with federal and national chains, with alco markets and HORECA. 


What is the surplus and adding value of Gilbert e Gaillard medals on the russian market with Rocca wines and other suppliers ?

The medals on the wine bottles are very important, it influnces on the final choice of the customers. For sure the people prefer the wine with medals  and Gilbert e Gaillard is the sign of the quality for russian wine lovers.